Dark Web ID Integration with IT Glue

This guide is designed for users who want to enable integration with IT Glue; integration simplifies creating and managing your organizations within Dark Web ID. This article walks you through the step-by-step integration process. 

Integration Overview

The functionality is a significant Dark Web ID enhancement that leverages integration with IT Glue.

  • This integration improves customer onboarding by importing the name and domains of an organization from IT Glue to Dark Web ID.


  • You must have access to both Dark Web ID and IT Glue accounts.
  • Each partner may have a single integration with ITGlue, and only partner admins have the ability to configure the integration.

Your Dark Web ID user account must be configured to allow integration access. Please contact support @ darkwebid.com or call 844-ID AGENT, and a customer support representative will help you enable integration access for your user account.

Setting up the Integration 

Generating an API Key in IT Glue

All API endpoints require authentication using a private API key. You can generate one or more API keys for your account.

NOTE  You must generate a new API Key for each application.

To generate a new API key:

  1. Log in to your IT Glue account. Fill in the credentials and click Log in
  2. Users with an administrator role can navigate to Account > Settings.
  3. Click on API Keys > Custom API Keys.
  4. Enter a name for the key and click Generate API Key. Copy the API key - you cannot view a key again after it has been generated.
  5. An optional Password Access setting is provided for each API key for security. Password values can only be accessed from the Passwords API if enabled.
  6. Click the plus + sign icon to generate multiple API keys.

NOTE  Click the - icon to stop the integration.

IMPORTANT  Anyone with your key can access your data, so it's important to keep it private. You can revoke an old API key and generate a new one at any time from your IT Glue account. Any requests made using your old key will no longer work.

Once the API key is generated, you can see the message on the top-right corner of the screen. Copy the generated API key from the field.

Once you have copied the API key, follow the below steps on Dark Web ID.

Activate the Integration in Dark Web ID

Here is a step-by-step instruction for you:

  1. Log into the Dark Web ID account.
  2. Navigate to your right-side hamburger menu from the login page and select My Organization under My Account. 
  3. Go to the IT Glue Integration tile to proceed further.
  4. Click + New Integration to set up the integration with IT Glue.
    As soon as you click the new integration button, the following Add Integration modal window appears on the screen.  
  5. To begin integration, enter the API Key and Region in the modal window and click Load Organizations.
    • Region: Select the region to determine the data center location from where data is being fetched. The available data centers are in the United States, Europe, and Australia. 

NOTE  An error message appears on the screen if you enter an invalid API key.

  1. If the API key is valid, you successfully enable integration. 

Import Organizations to Dark Web ID from IT Glue 

While activating the integration, you can view the organizations and domains from IT Glue under the Organization and Domain columns.

  1. Click the dropdown to view the domains of each organization.
  2. Employee Count: Provide the employee count. You can select the range from 1 to 251+. 
  3. Industry: Select the type of Industry to which the SMB belongs. 

NOTE  Industry and Employee Count are the mandatory fields.

  1. Status:
  • You can view the Imported status once the application validates the domain.
  • You can view the Unimported status in the following cases. 
    • Cause of Unimported status:
      • There was an error in the Import
      • Domain license limit reached
      • .gov domain was not imported due to licensing issues. Please contact your import manager.
      • Your search includes a sensitive or protected domain or address. Contact support@idagent.com

Steps to import Organizations to Dark Web ID from IT Glue:

  1. You will see a drop-down field in the IT Glue Organization column when you hover over the existing IT Glue organization name with your mouse. Select the check box of each IT Glue organization list you want to import into the Dark Web ID account.
  2. Provide Employee Count and Industry. 
  3. Click Import.

NOTE  One  IT Glue organization can only be linked with one organization in Dark Web ID.

Once your Import has been started, you can see the message on the bottom-right corner of the screen and with the Status column showing Pending.

Selected IT Glue organizations and domains are successfully imported to the Dark Web ID. The Status changed to Imported.

Deleted IT Glue Integration

  • Deleting an IT Glue Integration in sync with the Dark Web ID organization will remove the mapping between the two matching organizations and delete the integration.

NOTE  Refer to the following article to know more about IP restrictions on ITGlue accounts: IP Access Control: 3rd Party Vendor IPs – Kaseya.